
Can I Put Old Memory In A Caddy After An Upgrade?

Question - I recently upgraded my desktop computer's memory, as I have done many times over the years with various PCs. T am left with the old memory modules and wonder if it is possible to get an external caddy or enclosure in which T could fit this old memory and use it, as I know is possible with old hard disks. It seems wrong to leave it in a drawer.

Answer - Sadly, this is not something that is practical. While some hardware enthusiasts have produced homemade adapters that can be used to connect memory modules via an Usb cable, no such hardware is commercially available so far as we are aware - for good reason. Memory now operates so quickly that almost any type of connection used to attach it externally would reduce its performance dramatically, to the extent that there would be little point in using it.

Just because memory removed from your computer is no good to you it does not follow that someone else will not be able to make use of it. It is worth asking people you know to see if the memory you have would be compatible with their computers, or you could advertise on websites such as eBay (www.ebay.co.uk) and make a few pounds - just take care to describe precisely what it is you have available.

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